<h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>What not to sell at Yasir </strong></h2><div><table style="text-align:center"><strong>What not to sell at Yasir/Npcs</strong></h2><hr><table border="1" cellpadding="1" style="width:500px; border-spacing: 1px;"><tbody><tr><td>100+</td><td>500+</td><td>1000+</td><td>5000+</td><td>10 000+</td></tr><tr><td>Battle Stones *, Compasses *,Cultish Masks * ,Cultish Robes *,Cyclops toes * , Damselfly Wings *,Demon Dust * , Demonic style="width:700px"><tbody><tr><td style="text-align:center"><h2><strong><span style="color:#95a5a6">100+ Gold</span></strong></h2></td><td style="text-align:center"><h2><span style="color:#2ecc71"><strong>500+ Gold </strong></span></h2></td><td style="text-align:center"><h2><span style="color:#3498db"><strong>1000+ Gold </strong></span></h2></td><td style="text-align:center"><h2><strong><span style="color:#9b59b6">5000+ Gold </span></strong></h2></td><td><h2 style="text-align:center"><strong><span style="color:#f1c40f">10 000+ Gold </span></strong></h2></td></tr><tr><td><ul style="list-style-type:disc"><li>Battle Stones </li><li>Compasses</li><li>Cultish Masks </li><li>Cultish Robes </li><li>Cyclops toes</li><li> Damselfly Wings </li><li>Demon Dust </li><li>Demonic Skeletal Hands *, Fish Fin * ,Flask Hands</li><li>Fish Fin</li><li>Flask of Embalming Fluid *,Frosty Hearts * ,Green Dragon Leather *,Green Dragon Scales *,Heaven Blossoms *,Minotaur Leather *,Mootah Shells * , Ogre Fluid </li><li>Frosty Hearts </li><li>Green Dragon Leather</li><li>Green Dragon Scales </li><li>Heaven Blossoms </li><li>Minotaur Leather </li><li>Mootah Shells</li><li>Ogre Nose Rings *,Orc Teeth * ,Peacock Feather Fans *,Petrefied Screams * ,Poisonous Slimes *, Red Dragon Scale * ,Rorc Feathers *,Slime Hearts *,Snake Skins * , Swamp Grass *,Thick Furs *,<br>Wyrm Scales *,</td><td>Bat Wing **,Brimstone Fangs **,Brown Rings</li><li>Orc Teeth </li><li>Peacock Feather Fans </li><li>Petrefied Screams </li><li>Poisonous Slimes </li><li>Red Dragon Scale </li><li>Rorc Feathers</li><li> Slime Hearts </li><li>Snake Skins </li><li>Swamp Grass </li><li>Thick Furs </li><li>Wyrm Scales</li></ul></td><td><ul><li>Bat Wing</li><li>Brimstone Fangs</li><li>Brown Piece of cloth **,Crawler cloth</li><li>Crawler Head Platings **,Elvish Talismans **, Fiery Hearts **, Frazzle Skins ** , Goosebump Leather ** ,Hellspawn Tails **,Lions Mane **,Lizard Scales **,Mystical Hourglass **,Piece Platings</li><li>Elvish Talismans</li><li>Fiery Hearts</li><li>Frazzle Skins</li><li>Goosebump Leather</li><li>Hellspawn Tails</li><li>Lions Mane</li><li>Lizard Scales</li><li>Mystical Hourglass</li><li>Piece of Swampling Wood **, Pieces Wood </li><li>Pieces of Scarab shell **,Piles shell</li><li>Piles of Grave Earth **, Strand Earth</li><li>Strand of Medusa Hair **, War Crystals ** , Warmasters Wristguards **,<br> Winter Wolf Fur ** , Wyvern Talismans **</td><td>Acorn *** , Blazing Bones *** , Brimstone Shell ***,Broken Hair</li><li>War Crystals</li><li>Warmasters Wristguards</li><li>Winter Wolf Fur</li><li>Wyvern Talismans</li></ul></td><td><ul><li>Acorn </li><li>Blazing Bones</li><li>Brimstone Shell</li><li>Broken Shamanic Staff ***, Deepling Warts ***,Demon Horns *** ,Demonic Essence *** ,Draken Sulphur ***,Elven Staff </li><li>Deepling Warts</li><li>Demon Horns</li><li>Demonic Essence</li><li>Draken Sulphur</li><li>Elven Scouting Glass *** ,Energy Vein ***,Fairy Wings *** , Metal Spike ***,Polar Glass</li><li>Energy Vein</li><li>Fairy Wings</li><li>Metal Spike</li><li>Polar Bear Paws ***,Protective Charms ***, Rope Belts *** , Seacrest Hair *** ,Shard ***,Some Paws</li><li>Protective Charms</li><li>Rope Belts</li><li>Seacrest Hair</li><li>Shard</li><li>Some Grimeleech Wings *** , Tusk *** ,Vampire Dust ***,Vampire Teeth ***,Vexclaw Talons ***, Waspoid wings ***,</td><td> Bonelord Eyes **** ,Bloody Pincers **** , Elven Hoof **** ,Eye Patch **** , Flask Wings</li><li>Tusk</li><li>Vampire Dust</li><li>Vampire Teeth</li><li>Vexclaw Talons</li><li>Waspoid wings</li></ul></td><td><ul><li>Bonelord Eyes</li><li>Bloody Pincers </li><li>Elven Hoof</li><li>Eye Patch</li><li>Flask of Warriors sweat **** ,Gloom Wolf Fur ****,Hook **** , Little sweat</li><li>Gloom Wolf Fur </li><li>Hook </li><li>Little Bowl of Myrrh ****, Moohtant Horns ****,Peg Leg ****,Sabretooth ****,Silencer Claws ****,</td><td>Piece Myrrh</li><li>Moohtant Horns</li><li>Peg Leg </li><li>Sabretooth </li><li>Silencer Claws </li></ul></td><td><ul><li>Piece of Dead Brain **<span Brain</li><li><span style="color:#1a1a1b; font-family:"Noto Sans",Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Slime Mould *****</span>**,</td></tr></tbody></table></div><p class="s14dydj4-10 kiAEUp" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0.25em 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Noto Sans", Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(26, 26, 27);"> </p>Mould </span></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><hr><p></p><p><span style="color:#c0392b"><strong>IMPORTANT NOTE: </strong></span> This table is based on normal market prices , on the table there are the items that are much worth to sell on market instead of Yasir or any Npc that buys valuables. I made a table to separate each item on its value to make it more readable.</p><p><span style="color:#c0392b"><strong>HOW TO USE</strong>: </span><span style="color:null">To check if your valuable item is worth or not to sell at NPC just push "Control + F" and input the name of the valuable and it will be easy to find in the table.</span></p><p></p>