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by (243 points)

Where can i go on hunt as 150 Master sorcerer without making big waste? What exp can i get there per hour and how difficult these monsters are? cool

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (28 points)
The game nowadays give you several opportunities to choose a hunting location so that you can develop your character without having to spend a lot for it. Regarding the characteristics of your character, the best monster to hunt without wasting and having a reasonable gain of experience (around 400k / h ++) would be Souleater. Regarding this creature has little life 1.1k are weak against fire (use gfb rune) and his lot is very pleasant for basically always dropping platinum coins and having other light drops (interesting for vocations with little capacity) and his main lot is Spirit Container (40k!). The best place to find these creatures would be in the north of the territory of Zao where most of these creatures are concentrated in addition to presenting others (Mutated Tiger and Mutated Bat) that also make interesting lots. To access this location, you must complete the Wrath of the Emperor Quest mission until complete Mission 2, which is where you will gain access to the location. About the strategy used to hunt is not to lament these creatures in large quantities since they can often be invisible and end up trapping your 4-5 personage is fine. Use equipment that provides physical defense (ignore the book and use shield). Good hunting!