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Im Paladin lvl 65 so I have a choice between composite hornbow+onyx arrow (range 6, atk41, hit+2%) or chain bolter+power bolts (range 6, atk 44).

What's better and why?

Also I assume from level 70 I should use drill bolts, right?

Then lvl 80-90 assassin stars and lvl 90+ crystaline arrows

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,492 points)

from my very own personal experience i would say: if you can't use imbuements simply avoid it.

so my recomendation always has been:

modified cross till comp hornbow, then again modified crossbow with power bolts, drill bolts then finally jumping back to comp bow WITH CRISTALLYNE ARROW. (don't bother yourself using prismatic bolts, its hit rate is horrible and there's simply not any crossbow that can compesate that without sacrifying imbuements, no worth it neither assassin stars), Finally myco bow or wait until you get rift crossbow/royal crossbow then use Infernal bolts with it for the rest of your single target hunting life. 

always bring with you critical t2 at least, no matter if is expensive it pay off, increase your sustained damage, i would say that even increase your hit rate when a critical hit is about to land (i have not sustained info to back up this last part) but even if weren't like that, the ammount of damage per hour is considerably higher than just a 25%, specially because whatever a paladin fight between lvl 40 to lvl 150 heals A LOT, so the higher the damage, the faster you deal with mobs and critical grants a higher than average damage whenever you land a critical, taking that as main fact there's absolutely no reason that can back up using weapons with no imbuements, there's nothing that could outstand imbuements as a paladin which turn useless almost every xbow till 130.

i would also recommend using mana leech above all other imbuement, life leech is avoidable since healing as paladin isn't hard nor expensive and also increase your ml,
