I've spotted an incorrect answer. What should I do?

Help Center · I've spotted an incorrect answer. What should I do?
The content available on TibiaQA is provided by the community, and some of the answers that you spot might be incorrect. This may happen for many reasons, such as insufficient research or patches/updates in the game. It's important to act on incorrect answers to keep the knowledge base available on TibiaQA reliable. Depending on your reputation points you can
  • Comment on the answer - notify the author of the answer that you believe it's incorrect. Provide your reasoning. Even if the author of the answer does not accept your statement, other users viewing the answer will see a signal that there are doubts about the given post.
  • Downvote the answer - downvoting incorrect answers is important as the number of votes indicates the position of the answer. The answer with the most votes is displayed first. Moreover, users constantly providing incorrect answers lose reputation points.
  • Provide your own answer - if you know the correct answer to the question and such an answer wasn't posted yet, you should post it without a doubt. This is a key to building the knowledge base.

What if the incorrect answer is selected as the best?
The same points as above apply. In addition, you can also notify the owner of the question that you believe the answer they selected as the best is incorrect. They have a chance to review it, and deselect the best answer, or select another answer as the best.

Can moderators intervene on incorrect answers?
Moderators have the right to act on incorrect answers selected as the best in some cases only. If there's an official public statement from CipSoft (e.g. official Tibia Manual, forum post from CM on the official website) that proves the posted answer is incorrect, they can choose to deselect the best answer on a question. If moderators deselect the best answer, they will post a comment with an explanation and the link to the official statement that disproves the answer. In any other cases, moderators follow the same guidelines as other users, described above.

All cases of harmful incorrect answers can be brought up to the community and moderators' attention via Meta TibiaQA.
Promoted Tibia Fansite TibiaQA.com is a fansite. Please note that the only official website is Tibia.com. The game Tibia and the website Tibia.com are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH.

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