What are flags and when should they be used?

Help Center · What are flags and when should they be used?
After gaining enough reputation points, you will be able to flag all questions, answers, and comments posted on this site. Flagging posts is a moderation privilege awarded to trusted members of the community. Flags allow marking content that is for any reason inappropriate for this site. Posts that receive a certain number of flags (the number varies) are automatically hidden. Flagged posts are also brought to the attention of moderators and other community members who can single-handedly hide posts.

Please flag a post when:
  • It contains spam or other abusive or offensive material
  • The majority of the post is non-english
  • It doesn't belong to this site per What kinds of questions should be avoided? and What should I avoid in my answers? guides, that can be viewed in the Help Center
  • It is posted as a question but doesn't provide any
  • It is posted as an answer but doesn't attempt to answer the original question (moderators can convert it to a comment if the post is useful)
  • An exact question has already been asked (please link the duplicate question in the comment)
Please do NOT flag:
  • Answers that you find partially or completely incorrect (this is handled by voting)

See also: When should I flag the post as "very low quality"? [Meta TibiaQA]
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