Revisions for post #14375

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Current revisionEdited Feb 25, 2020 by Fire_Draggon
<ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">&nbsp;<u><strong>Stan</strong></u> will only be available during Masquerade Days (february), he sells the costume bags. He is in Venore.</li><li><img Venore.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:48px; width:103px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Brutus the Baker</strong></u>, only appears after A Piece of Cake world quest succeeds, in Cormaya's Cake Island</li><li><img Island. He will give you the rewards (cupcakes, etc...)</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:77px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Hoaxette</strong></u> will appear in Thais during the month of April. You can assemble a Jester Doll with her.</li><li><img her.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:94px">&nbsp;<u><strong>The Demon Mother</strong></u> will appear in Jakundaf Desert during the World Quest Demon's Lullaby: May 7th-14th</li><li><img 7th-14th. She will give you the Demon Infant and if you succeed, the reward.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:53px; width:67px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Lucius</strong></u> only appears during the Lightbearer event, from Nov 11th to 15th (or to Nov 30th if world succeeds)</li><li><img succeeds). He gives you the Torch and takes you to the Lightbearer reward room, and also exchanges Midnight Shards for&nbsp;Experience.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:48px; width:116px">&nbsp; &nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:47px; width:68px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Messager of Santa</strong></u> and <u><strong>Santa Claus</strong></u> will only appear during Christmas event, from Dec 12th to 31th</li><li><img 31th, Santa will give you a random Christmas Present, and Messenger will sell you Christmas Decorations</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:39px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Minzy</strong></u> is only available during the Bewitched Event, from June 21th to 25th</li><li><img 25th. She will exchange bewitched points for rewards (Ravens)</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:61px; width:67px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Rosemarie</strong></u> appears during the month of flowers, June, in Port Hope.</li><li><img Hope. She will get Seeds and give you Flower Pots.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:60px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Valentina</strong></u> appears during Valentine's Day, february 14th, in Greenshore</li><li><img Greenshore. She sells Valentine's items, like teddies, cards, backpacks, etc.</li></ul><div></div><ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:60px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Smaralda</strong></u> only appears during the event: A Pirate's Death to Me</li></ul>Me. She will sell you Scum Bag and also tell you which mark you have in the event.</li></ul>
Edited Feb 25, 2020 by Fire_Draggon
<ul><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">&nbsp;Stan src=";path-prefix=en">&nbsp;<u><strong>Stan</strong></u> will only be available during Masquerade Days (february), he sells the costume bags. He is in Venore.</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:48px; width:103px">&nbsp;Brutus the Baker, width:103px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Brutus the Baker</strong></u>, only appears after A Piece of Cake world quest succeeds, in Cormaya's Cake Island</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:77px">&nbsp;Hoaxette width:77px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Hoaxette</strong></u> will appear in Thais during the month of April. You can assemble a Jester Doll with her.</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:94px">&nbsp;The width:94px">&nbsp;<u><strong>The Demon Mother Mother</strong></u> will appear in Jakundaf Desert during the World Quest Demon's Lullaby: May 7th-14th</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:53px; width:67px">&nbsp;Lucius width:67px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Lucius</strong></u> only appears during the Lightbearer event, from Nov 11th to 15th (or to Nov 30th if world succeeds)</li></ul>succeeds)</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:48px; width:116px">&nbsp; &nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:47px; width:68px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Messager of Santa</strong></u> and <u><strong>Santa Claus</strong></u> will only appear during Christmas event, from Dec 12th to 31th</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:39px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Minzy</strong></u> is only available during the Bewitched Event, from June 21th to 25th</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:61px; width:67px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Rosemarie</strong></u> appears during the month of flowers, June, in Port Hope.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:60px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Valentina</strong></u> appears during Valentine's Day, february 14th, in Greenshore</li><li><img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:54px; width:60px">&nbsp;<u><strong>Smaralda</strong></u> only appears during the event: A Pirate's Death to Me</li></ul>
Posted Feb 25, 2020 by Fire_Draggon
  •  Stan will only be available during Masquerade Days (february), he sells the costume bags. He is in Venore.
  •  Brutus the Baker, only appears after A Piece of Cake world quest succeeds, in Cormaya's Cake Island
  •  Hoaxette will appear in Thais during the month of April. You can assemble a Jester Doll with her.
  •  The Demon Mother will appear in Jakundaf Desert during the World Quest Demon's Lullaby: May 7th-14th
  •  Lucius only appears during the Lightbearer event, from Nov 11th to 15th (or to Nov 30th if world succeeds)
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