Revisions for post #19204

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Current revisionEdited Aug 13, 2020 by shawtay

What can we buy by buying will be traded during a character on an auction?

<p>Accodring <p>According to the the recent <a rel="nofollow" href=";id=5691&amp;fbegind=14&amp;fbeginm=7&amp;fbeginy=2020&amp;fendd=13&amp;fendm=8&amp;fendy=2020&amp;flist=11111111">news</a>, trading characters becoming legal.</p><p>What we get, when we buy a character? Is it a blank character with a particular level and skills, or maybe we can expect mounts, items from depo, depot, achievements as well?</p>
Posted Aug 13, 2020 by Pochwalona

What can we buy by buying a character on an auction?

Accodring to the the recent news, trading characters becoming legal.

What we get, when we buy a character? Is it a blank character with a particular level and skills, or maybe we can expect mounts, items from depo, achievements as well?

Tags set to character-auction
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