Revisions for post #33449

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Current revisionEdited May 2, 2023 by shawtay

If someone moves me while I'm using the Exaltation Forge movedo I lose items?

<p>if someone move me doing&nbsp;<a moves&nbsp;me while I'm&nbsp;using the&nbsp;<a rel="nofollow" href="">Exaltation Forge</a>&nbsp;i Forge</a>&nbsp;do I lose the items?</p><p>i items?&nbsp;</p><p>I have 1 a friend told me who&nbsp;me that he lost the items that way</p><pre>
</pre><p><img alt="Ícono de validado por la comunidad" src="denied:" style="height:16px; width:16px"></p>way</p>
Posted May 2, 2023 by blaxt

Exaltation Forge move

if someone move me doing Exaltation Forge i lose the items?

i have 1 friend told me that he lost the items that way

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

Tags set to exaltation-forge item
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