Who moderates this community?

Help Center · Who moderates this community?
The short answer is: you. This website is moderated by the users. The points system allows users to earn rights to perform a variety of moderation tasks, eg. voting questions and answers up or down, flagging inappropriate posts, approving or rejecting posts by anonymous users or hiding posts from the site. See the complete list at: How does community participate in moderating the site?

With great power comes great responsibility. If you abuse the moderator or editor tools that you have been given, you risk a penalty, including removal of the reputation points or complete suspension of your account.
Promoted Tibia Fansite TibiaQA.com is a fansite. Please note that the only official website is Tibia.com. The game Tibia and the website Tibia.com are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH.

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