Revisions for post #13978

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Current revisionEdited Mar 14, 2023 by Xarkost
<p>There is alot are a lot items you can exchange for others, and here is my list:</p><ul><li><img alt="" src=""><strong>Gold Tokens</strong> can be exchange for some Destruction Weapons&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,and also for some creature products neededs for needed&nbsp;for imbuements with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"><strong>Silver Tokens</strong>, 100 of them can be exchanged for the following armors: <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">&nbsp;and you can also exchange 200 of them to complete the Full Rift Warrior Outfit&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px"><img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:47px; width:48px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:34px; width:34px">&nbsp;Percht Skull, during the&nbsp;<strong>Winterlight Solstice</strong>, you can exchange one skull with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:69px">&nbsp;for one of the following mounts:&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">, and after have those 3 you can also exchange 3 more skulls for this anothers: these others: <img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">,<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"> with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">with&nbsp;<img width:64px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.&nbsp;</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:58px; width:61px">with&nbsp;<img width:61px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;Winning Lottery Ticket <em>(Keep in mind&nbsp;that this is completely random.)</em></li></ul><p><em>And there is more are&nbsp;more but I just realized that&nbsp;they guys say already so isnt isn't point to wrote write it again <img title="crying" alt="crying" src="" style="height:23px; width:23px">!&nbsp;</em></p>
Edited Feb 19, 2020 by Oriibsz
<p>There is alot items you can exchange for others, and here is my list:</p><ul><li><img alt="" src=""><strong>Gold Tokens</strong> can be exchange for some Destruction Weapons&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,and also for some creature products neededs for imbuements with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"><strong>Silver Tokens</strong>, 100 of them can be exchanged for the following armors: <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">&nbsp;and you can also exchange 200 of them to complete the Full Rift Warrior Outfit&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px"><img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:47px; width:48px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:34px; width:34px">&nbsp;Percht Skull, during the&nbsp;<strong>Winterlight Solstice</strong>, you can exchange one skull with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:69px">&nbsp;for one of the following mounts:&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">, and after have those 3 you can also exchange 3 more skulls for this anothers: <img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">,<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"> with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.&nbsp;</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img alt="" src="" style="height:58px; width:61px">with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;Winning Lottery Ticket <em>(Keep in mind&nbsp;that this is completely random.)</em></li></ul>random.)</em></li></ul><p><em>And there is more but I just realized that&nbsp;they guys say already so isnt point to wrote it again <img title="crying" alt="crying" src="" style="height:23px; width:23px">!&nbsp;</em></p>
Edited Feb 19, 2020 by Oriibsz
<p>There is alot items you can exchange for others, and here is my list:</p><ul><li><img alt="" src=""><strong>Gold Tokens</strong> can be exchange for some Destruction Weapons&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,and also for some creature products neededs for imbuements with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"><strong>Silver Tokens</strong>, 100 of them can be exchanged for the following armors: <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">&nbsp;and you can also exchange 200 of them to complete the Full Rift Warrior Outfit&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px"><img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:47px; width:48px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:34px; width:34px">&nbsp;Percht Skull, during the&nbsp;<strong>Winterlight Solstice</strong>, you can exchange one skull with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:69px">&nbsp;for one of the following mounts:&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">, and after have those 3 you can also exchange 3 more skulls for this anothers: <img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">,<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">.</li></ul>width:64px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"> with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:42px">.</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.&nbsp;</li><li>One&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;can be exchange for a<img alt="" src="" style="height:58px; width:61px">with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:48px; width:30px">.</li><li>100&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;for a&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">&nbsp;Winning Lottery Ticket <em>(Keep in mind&nbsp;that this is completely random.)</em></li></ul>
Edited Feb 19, 2020 by Oriibsz
<p>There is alot items you can exchange for others, and here is my list:</p><ul><li><img alt="" src=""><strong>Gold Tokens</strong> can be exchange for some Destruction Weapons&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,and also for some creature products neededs for imbuements with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px"><strong>Silver Tokens</strong>, 100 of them can be exchanged for the following armors: <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">, <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="">&nbsp;and you can also exchange 200 of them to complete the Full Rift Warrior Outfit&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px"><img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">&nbsp;with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:47px; width:48px">.</li><li></li></ul>width:48px">.</li><li><img alt="" src="" style="height:34px; width:34px">&nbsp;Percht Skull, during the&nbsp;<strong>Winterlight Solstice</strong>, you can exchange one skull with&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:69px">&nbsp;for one of the following mounts:&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" style="height:64px; width:64px">, and after have those 3 you can also exchange 3 more skulls for this anothers: <img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">,<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en">,&nbsp;<img alt="" src=";path-prefix=en" style="height:64px; width:64px">.</li></ul>
Posted Feb 19, 2020 by Oriibsz

There is alot items you can exchange for others, and here is my list:

  • Gold Tokens can be exchange for some Destruction Weapons , , , , , , , ,and also for some creature products neededs for imbuements with .
  • Silver Tokens, 100 of them can be exchanged for the following armors: ,,,,, , , , , , , , , ,  and you can also exchange 200 of them to complete the Full Rift Warrior Outfit  with .
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