Revisions for post #18079

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Current revisionEdited Apr 20, 2022 by Xarkost

How does the parry of the cobra vizier work?

we We were hunting there and many of us had a lot of theories nothing truly confirm, a confirm. A lot of people have told me that each time a vizier gets hit the parry chance increse wich increases which using runes like energy bomb and fire bomb or somthing something like that will trigger more times the parry, also parry. Also, that the parry only happnes happens in a chain but that the larger the chain the more the damage will do and the father the person is in the line of the chain the damage is incresed but this increased. This is all theories and i I would like to know how exactly the parry of this creature works since is not very commoncommon.
Edited Dec 27, 2020 by Ellotris Guardian

How does the parry of the cobra vizier work?

(Content unchanged)
Edited Jul 5, 2020 by Candangoek

How does de the parry of the cobra vizier work?

(Content unchanged)
Edited Jul 5, 2020 by Nixcomander

How does de parry of the cobra vizier work?

we were hunting there and many of us had a lot of theories nothing truly confirm, a lot of people have told me that each time a vizier gets hit the parry change chance increse wich using runes like energy bomb and fire bomb or somthing like that will trigger more times the parry, also that the parry only happnes in a chain but that the larger the chain the more the damage will do and the father the person is in the line of the chain the damage is incresed but this is all theories and i would like to know how exactly the parry of this creature works since is not very common
Posted Jul 5, 2020 by Nixcomander

How does de parry of the cobra vizier work?

we were hunting there and many of us had a lot of theories nothing truly confirm, a lot of people have told me that each time a vizier gets hit the parry change increse wich using runes like energy bomb and fire bomb or somthing like that will trigger more times the parry, also that the parry only happnes in a chain but that the larger the chain the more the damage will do and the father the person is in the line of the chain the damage is incresed but this is all theories and i would like to know how exactly the parry of this creature works since is not very common
Tags set to hunting cobras
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