Revisions for post #2449

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Current revisionEdited Feb 20, 2019 by Trululu Gumdrops

In <p><strong>PvP:</strong><br><br>In low levels (New servers) Sorcerer are the best because Sudden Death do a lot damage.

In damage.<br><br>In open wars the best is Sorcerer.


To Sorcerer.<br><br><strong>PvE:</strong><br><br>To gains bosses (Like Ferumbra's) Druid is the best.

To best.</p><p>&nbsp;But to bosses like Jaul the best is Paladin.Paladin.<br><br>To search team to hunt the best are Druid/Knight.

To Druid/Knight.<br><br>To lure the best is Knight.

To Knight.<br><br>To make profit Paladin (Solo).

To (Solo).<br><br>To start in Tibia the best is Paladin.

But Paladin.<br><br>&nbsp;</p>
Posted Feb 20, 2019 by Trululu Gumdrops

In low levels (New servers) Sorcerer are the best because Sudden Death do a lot damage.

In open wars the best is Sorcerer.


To gains bosses (Like Ferumbra's) Druid is the best.

To search team to hunt the best are Druid/Knight.

To lure the best is Knight.

To make profit Paladin (Solo).

To start in Tibia the best is Paladin.

But to bosses like Jaul the best is Paladin.
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