Revisions for post #27315

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Current revisionEdited Dec 3, 2021 by Xarkost

Which kind of equipments equipment types can be Forged items?upgraded using the Exaltation Forge?

So, there are items that we can forge, there are types of items that we can't simply imbue, also seems to be that each kind of equipment usable on forge raise only one kind of buff, that bring us questions as followed:

Which are the kinds of equipments forgeable?

What equipment types can be upgraded?

Which buff raise each kind?can be applied to each equipment type?
Edited Nov 29, 2021 by Anubora

Which kind of equipments can be Forged items?

So, there are items that we can forge, there are types of items that we can't simply imbue, also seems to be that each kind of equipment usable on forge raise only one kind of buff, that bring us questions as followed:

Which are the kinds of equipments forgeable?

What buff raise each kind?Which equipments can be forgeable, and which not? What is the parameter?

Which determinate the classifcation of each equipment?
Edited Nov 29, 2021 by Anubora

What happen if i use more than one Which kind of equipments can be Forged item?items?

We know that a forged give a considerable ammount of buffs So, there are items that we can forge, there are types of items that we can't simply imbue, also seems to be that each kind of equipment with those buffs?

Would you accumulate extra % of usable on forge raise only one kind of buff, that bring us questions as followed:

Which are the kinds of equipments forgeable?

What buff per item?
If that's true, there would be a Max overall cap?raise each kind?

Which equipments can be forgeable, and which could be upgraded to a max tier, but what happens if you manage to upgrade several differents parts of your not? What is the parameter?

Which determinate the classifcation of each equipment?
Posted Nov 29, 2021 by Anubora

What happen if i use more than one Forged item?

We know that a forged give a considerable ammount of buffs which could be upgraded to a max tier, but what happens if you manage to upgrade several differents parts of your equipment with those buffs?

Would you accumulate extra % of buff per item?
If that's true, there would be a Max overall cap?
Tags set to exaltation-forge
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