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by (1,412 points)
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I was collecting the rewards of my makers and all of them are residence In Thais and it seems to me that has the shortest path to offline train and collect the daily rewards but I wasn't sure. Does anyone knows a place that its closer?
closed as a duplicate of: What town has offline training statues that are close to the Reward Shrines?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.

1 Answer

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by (118 points)
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Best answer

I believe  the best place for you  take the Reward and train your makers is the Adventurers' Guild.

The training is downstairs and the reward upstairs is very close.
by (1,412 points)
how do i tell you without looking like an idiot that i didnt know there was a reward in the adventurer's guild ..... i always made the trip to thais and used the adventurer's stone hahahaha im embarassed now xD good answer