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I was wondering how long does it take for Memorial to update with new information such as a character who got the golden outfit or if the character got deleted for example.

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1 Answer

–2 votes
by (28 points)
For your first question there is no exact answer because everyone who bought the golden outfit has not yet been excluded from the game. No one has this true information with evidence. Now my opinion would be that if the character who has the golden clothes and his name is excluded from the wall should also be excluded by the fact that the principle that you exclude someone from something or a character in the game is due to the fact that he should not be remembered.

The memoir displays the lucky ones with enough money and glory to purchase the golden clothes. It is a symbol of power and wealth within the game and the wall is there to remind everyone who has this clothes on the server and if you make the clothes on server x and go to y the name of the wall will also be transferred to the server you go to.