+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

According to the related answer, we can find some in Kazordoon which the location is shown on the fansite: Tibia Maps

My question is where can I find all the Dragon corpses? This would be helpful just in case I decide to get a house somewhere else as right now all 3 of mine are in Venore but I know a lot of my friends ask me specifically for Dragon corpse locations.

related to an answer for: Where can I find Corpses that won't decay?
by (850 points)
I love collecting different bodies like this for my house decoration. I know a few spots in around Draconia and other places.

If no one has answered when I get on later il make a list of all the places I know :)
by (234 points)
You can find three 'fresh' dragon corpses in the northern part of the Kazordoon dungeons. There are two or three more around the Plains of Havoc. You can find some more in the Dragon Lair of Ab'dendriel. I'm pretty sure there are even more places where you can find this kind of products. (Note that I've only typed Free Account places)
by (5,318 points)
I do confirm that there is one dragon Corpse in Werehyaena's lair

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (48 points)
You can find in POI shortcut one dragon corpse in +' house floor. And near of this house, in Plains of havoc you'll find too.
Also, in Kazordoon you'll find. I've found corpse in Ab'Dendriel Dragon Lair
by (17,404 points)
thank you, map pictures will help :)