+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

So I know volunteer GMs don't exist anymore but I was surprised to see a Cipsoft member still have GM near his name. GM Lionet, but he's a game content designer like Knightmare is and Knightmare doesn't have GM near his name when I search him. (Source - Tibia) I've tried others with no success. Is it true GMs still exist, just not volunteer GMs? What other characters exist?

by (2,216 points)
Interesting question. When I find the time I'll try to look it up and provide a list of characters with GM before their name. I know there are more characters like this. Here is an example: https://www.tibia.com/community/?name=GM+solkrin
by (2,426 points)
There is really nothing special nowadays about characters with "GM" on their names. These are just old characters of CipSoft members that still exist (and they may or may not use them). It doesn't mean they use these characters to log in the game to investigate rule violation reports or anything like that. They use them just like other CipSoft employees use their characters (with or without the GM or CM prefix) if they need to log in the live servers.
by (17,404 points)
:( I was pleasantly surprised to see GM and thought it was cool because its listed as his "main character", thanks for the details everyone

1 Answer

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by (1,669 points)
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"GM" used to be the standard prefix used on the name of official characters of volunteer gamemasters as well as members of Tibia's Customer Support. Apart from the already mentioned GM Solkrin (which has other GM characters such as GM Solkrin on Antica), Sidnia is another old member of the Customer Support with GM characters such as GM Sidnia on Harmonia. It's interesting that even members of the content team may still have characters with the GM prefix such as GM Lionet.
