+4 votes
by (4,161 points)

Blue Sphere It was added to the game a long time ago in Summer Update 2016 / May 31. 

I remember that I liked this item a lot but it was not available for a very long time. It has only recently been added as a contest win.

I wonder why this item hasn't been available for so long and what's the story behind it?

1 Answer

+6 votes
by (1,669 points)
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I asked a very similar question, regarding Unobtainable Items in general, to Delany when we interviewed him. You can see his answer here:

Sometimes, it is a long-term plan of the developers to introduce items they want to use later to expand a story. Other times, circumstances might have changed that made it necessary to alter a previous plan and “ready-to-use” items are a remnant of that. In few cases it also may be a simple mistake.

Delany Interviewed by the English TibiaWiki

At the time, I had items such as the Guidebook in my mind which probably fall on the last case Delany mentioned ("a simple mistake"). Regarding the Blue Sphere, I believe the devs changed their plans for this item and it ended up being unobtainable.

Concerning how and when the sphere became obtainable, I remember it very well. In 2019, when CipSoft was reevaluating the list of contest prizes with fansite admins, I suggested adding the sphere to the list. It seems the content team liked my proposal since they allowed fansites to award the blue sphere from January 2020 onwards.

by (1,669 points)
Wasn't that lamp added to Dream Scar before IssavI?
by (17,404 points)
Not sure I only noticed in Issavi
by (6,736 points)
Yup, it was. The first time it was used in the Dream Courts.