+3 votes
by (565 points)

I really like solving Tibia's quests myself (or with just hints). Usually, if not by brute force, they can be solved with logic and literature knowledge.

Considering the Outlaw Camp Quest, the are some initial hints:

  • Snake Eye points your attention to this abandoned place, 
  • From other quests you know to compulsively click on every dead tree and will find the keys.
  • Getting the golden key is straightforward: the cause of the flip is very close and intuitive.
  • Using a power ring to flip the switches: 1) it seems to spawn at the "outside" mill next to the fires, 2) the switch next to orcs is making "puffs" on the counter, thus demanding a sacrifice, 3) power rings, oil and booze are the first thing that symbolize Wild Warriors. 

However, how one may reason to plug the hole in a wall with, out of all other things, a barrel?! I haven't found anything to suggest such an attempt by neither talking with NPCs or reading books. Exploring every reachable place in the Camp, I haven't found any "example" of this mechanics.

How was this quest originally solved? I don't believe people were trying random items, as the switch may be used only once. So, the hint must be somewhere there, but I'm missing it.

by (565 points)
I've performed a bit of web archaeology and so far only found that:
- The solution was posted on Erig's wiki (now TibiaWiki) in 2005, and already in 2007 people was asking for the reason of a barrel (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:The_Outlaw_Camp_Quest/Spoiler)
- It was then reposted on multiple fansites (including Polish and Brazilian)
- I've found mentions of the barrel in 2004 (https://web.archive.org/web/20041022205419/http://home.classicnet.net/tibianlibrary/quest.html) and the quest was certainly solved by 2003 (see key 3304 https://web.archive.org/web/20031103032631/http://www.tibia.pl/klucze.php)

However, no mention of the reasoning. AFAIR quest spoilers were frowned upon back then, but that may be a false memory after 20 years...

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (230 points)
I'm not sure about this, but I'd say it's more due to graphic logic than written information. The wall is discontinued and you need to place some element so that you can move the wall with the mill (that's why you put a power ring on it).

By doing this, you move the wall -and the barrel-, destroying the stone.
by (565 points)
edited by
But why a barrel and not, say, a trough or a table? One cannot solve this with trial-and-error, because there is only one trial per day.
Edit: what is more, in 2005 a barrel was nowhere close to the quest.
+1 vote
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Best answer
Tibiasecrets provides transcripts from H.L

This is the only hint I know of . .

Player: broken

H.L.: Hmmm. Let me think. I guess you need something big. And steel-reinforced. A barrel, maybe.
by (1,205 points)
Perhaps the NPC's response to "broken" was changed at some point because I just tried talking to H.L. and he didn't respond to the word "broken."
–1 vote
It looks like your answer has received some downvotes. Don't worry, we will help you improve it!
I guess they want the Outlaws to grow in steel for a couple months. (Even years) Haha... Seriously. I've tried it before. It's more like a folk thing to try in the Game.
by (17,404 points)
Hmm I'm having trouble understanding your answer