Revisions for post #11406

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Current revisionEdited Jan 21, 2020 by Ellotris Guardian

Does Market - Details show offers made or completed transactions?

(apologies for not posting a screenshot, im away from my tibia computer)

WHen When you open the market and search a specific item you can click on details of past buy (high, median and low) and sell (high, median and low) offers.

My question is are those completed transactions where the item and money were exchanged, or are they simply offers made?
Tags set to market trade
Posted Jan 21, 2020 by Severblade

Does Market - Details show offers made or completed transactions?

(apologies for not posting a screenshot, im away from my tibia computer)

WHen you open the market and search a specific item you can click on details of past buy (high, median and low) and sell (high, median and low) offers.

My question is are those completed transactions where the item and money were exchanged, or are they simply offers made?
Tags set to market-details
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