User Severblade

Member for: 5 years (since Jul 31, 2019)
Type: Registered user
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Character name: Severblade
Game world: Calmera
Location: China
About: Was away from Tibia for a long long long time. Played on Nova just after it started. Came back a little over a year ago and loving it.

Activity by Severblade

Score: 2,271 points (ranked #20)
Questions: 89 (68 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 121 (57 chosen as best)
Comments: 393
Posts improved: 48
Voted on: 100 questions, 493 answers
Gave out: 589 up votes, 4 down votes
Received: 431 up votes, 10 down votes
Bumps performed: 0
Pins performed: 0

Wall for Severblade

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hey, just letting you know your comment was shown again - lol idk if it matters or not to you.
Jun 8, 2020 by shawtay
No you can only get one owl from participation system, I already got mine a bit ago <3
May 22, 2020 by shawtay
First time posting so apologies of i screw this up but I would say dont hunt the High level Lizards because their loot drop and exp is not worth the cost of hunting them
Apr 21, 2020 by Severblade
Hello friend, I'm EK level 312, is it still dangerous to go at Lizard Nobles alone?
Apr 21, 2020 by Candangoek


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