Revisions for post #16623

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Current revisionEdited May 5, 2020 by Severblade

How long does it take to fail at Demon's Lullaby whitout without doing the task with baby demon?

You need to do some tasks with the baby demon each 20 hours, and you fail if you don't do it in a certain time. My question is how long it takes to fail if you forget to do what the baby demon wants?

PS: Sorry if I don't express really good in question,I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to tell me to reformulate the question, thanks.
Posted May 5, 2020 by Candangoek

How long does it take to fail at Demon's Lullaby whitout doing the task with baby demon?

You need to do some tasks with the baby demon each 20 hours, and you fail if you don't do it in a certain time. My question is how long it takes to fail if you forget to do what the baby demon wants?

PS: Sorry if I don't express really good in question,I'm not a native speaker. Feel free to tell me to reformulate the question, thanks.
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