Revisions for post #18314

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Current revisionEdited Jul 14, 2020 by Severblade

Is it possible to get Chopped Lion Mane Petals after finishing an Ancient Feud mission durign during Grimvale Quest?

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Tags set to quest item
Edited Jul 13, 2020 by Pochwalona

Is it possible to get Chopped Lion Mane Petals after finishing an Ancient Feud mission durign Grimvale Quest?

<p>Hi!</p><p>With the summer update 2020 an <strong>Ancient Feud Quest</strong> is mission </strong>is implemented into the game.</p><p>According as a continuation of a Grimvale Quest.</p><p>According to <a rel="nofollow" href=""><strong>Tibiopedia</strong></a> and it's spoiler during one mission we can get <strong>Lion's Mane Flowe</strong>r <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">and cut it to get some <strong>Chopped Lion Mane Petals</strong> <img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">.</p><p>Can we get it only during the quest (like Voodoo Lilly Pollen<img alt="" src="" style="height:32px; width:32px">) or we can get as many petals we want, no matter if the quest is done or not?</p>
Posted Jul 13, 2020 by Pochwalona

Is it possible to get Chopped Lion Mane Petals after finishing an Ancient Feud Quest?


With the summer update 2020 an Ancient Feud Quest is implemented into the game.

According to Tibiopedia and it's spoiler during one mission we can get Lion's Mane Flower and cut it to get some Chopped Lion Mane Petals .

Can we get it only during the quest (like Voodoo Lilly Pollen) or we can get as many petals we want, no matter if the quest is done or not?

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