Revisions for post #19702

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Current revisionEdited Sep 11, 2020 by shawtay

Do the Does loyalty points affects when you train?affect training?

Hello! As we know the Loyalty loyalty points give us a certain % of our base-skills but I want to know if the Loyalty Points loyalty points are also affects affected when you are training. I means, For example, if there are two players both MS with the same MLVL. and both are training with Exercises Wands.

The exercise wands.

MS #1 have Loyalty has loyalty 0% and the MS #2 have Loyalty has loyalty 50%, the loyalty will does the loyalty decrease the quantity os Exercise Wand of exercise wand they have to use to up an for example If there is a MLVL? or there isnt Or there aren't any benefits on Loyalty Points loyalty points talking ONLY about "Training"?

Thanks in advance (Hope I explained myself well).
Tags set to loyalty training
Posted Sep 11, 2020 by Oriibsz

Do the loyalty points affects when you train?


As we know the Loyalty points give us a certain % of our base-skills but I want to know if the Loyalty Points also affects when you are training.

I means, for example If there is two players both MS with same MLVL. and both are training with Exercises Wands.

The MS #1 have Loyalty 0% and the #2 have Loyalty 50%, the loyalty will decrease the quantity os Exercise Wand they have to use to up an MLVL? or there isnt any benefits on Loyalty Points talking ONLY about "Training"?

Thanks in advance (Hope I explained myself well).
Tags set to loyalty double-xp
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