Revisions for post #1990

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Current revisionEdited Jan 2, 2019 by Ellotris Guardian

Questions about pvp.What are outside players restrictions when two or more players are in a fight on Open PvP world?

<p><span style="color:#1c1c1c; font-family:&quot;Noto Sans&quot;,&quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;,&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,Helvetica,Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px">Could any one anyone give me in details how tibia's current pvp works, I'm talking about normal pvp Open PvP, not the retro one. and mainly, I need these points,<br>when one.<br>When some ppl are atking attacking each other, what CAN'T an outsider do to them, i them? I heard for example that you can't push them?<br>why if I heal my friend I might get red skull without atking anyone?<br>in non-pvp world, if two guilds are fighting, you can't push them, what other restrictions are there? and does they have to be atking each other now to not be able to push them -having pz block- or I can't push them in general<br>thanks in advance</span></p>them. Is this correct? Are there more restrictions?</span><br>&nbsp;</p>
Tags set to combat open-pvp
Posted Jan 2, 2019 by Elnoka

Questions about pvp.

Could any one give me in details how tibia's current pvp works, I'm talking about normal pvp not the retro one. and mainly, I need these points,
when some ppl are atking each other, what CAN'T an outsider do to them, i heard for example that you can't push them?
why if I heal my friend I might get red skull without atking anyone?
in non-pvp world, if two guilds are fighting, you can't push them, what other restrictions are there? and does they have to be atking each other now to not be able to push them -having pz block- or I can't push them in general
thanks in advance

Tags set to combat
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