Revisions for post #20960

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Current revisionEdited Jan 4, 2023 by Xarkost

How many contest has been realized by Cipsoft for create Tibian Content?

<p><em>Due to the feedback I realized that my question may be being misinterpreted so I reformulated it.</em></p><p>Cipsoft was been realized alot a lot kind of fansites some that were directly involveds with involved&nbsp;with Fansites, (if you want to know those contest you can check them <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a>.</p><p>Due to the feedback I realized that my question may be being misinterpreted and that is why I have rephrased it. Over the years, Cipsoft has been the sponsor of a wide variety of contests related to those of fan sites, (if you want to know those contests, you can consult them here). But my question is directed to Know ALL the contests made by Cipsoft that have been later implemented in the game without being those of fan sites. <strong>For example;</strong></p><ul><li>On <strong>2012,</strong> they made the contest <strong>"<a rel="nofollow" href=";threadid=3843492">A Rat is a Rat is a...?</a>"</strong>, when they wanted a creative name of the new race they want to implemented that now a days we knows as <strong>"Corym's"</strong>. More info about this question in&nbsp;<strong><a rel="nofollow" href="">TibiaQA</a></strong></li><li>Or on <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=";id=2413&amp;fbegind=1&amp;fbeginm=6&amp;fbeginy=2013&amp;fendd=15&amp;fendm=6&amp;fendy=2013&amp;flist=11111111">2013</a>,</strong> where you have to submit your idea of a storyteller NPC, "<strong><a rel="nofollow" href=";id=2388">Create your Own NPC!</a></strong>" More information about this contest in&nbsp;<strong><a rel="nofollow" href="">Tibia QA</a></strong></li><li>Or on<strong> 2017</strong> when you have to shared a small anecdote of your tibia life on "<a rel="nofollow" href=";postid=37766430#post37766430"><strong>It's Time to Rhyme</strong></a>"&nbsp;<strong>Edgar-Ellen </strong>at the Nort of Thais can tell us the curious histories of some tibian Tibian players shared on this contest.</li></ul><p>So my question is <strong>There is more contests realized by Cipsoft apart of those already mentioned?</strong></p><p>Thanks in advance.</p>
Edited Nov 6, 2020 by Oriibsz

How many contest has been realized by Cipsoft for create Tibian Content?

<p>Reading some <p><em>Due to the feedback I realized that my question may be being misinterpreted so I reformulated it.</em></p><p>Cipsoft was been realized alot kind of fansites some that were directly involveds with Fansites, (if you want to know those contest you can check them <a rel="nofollow" href=";id=2233"><strong>Corym</strong> </a>as href="">here</a>.</p><p>Due to the feedback I realized that my question may be being misinterpreted and that is why I have rephrased it. Over the years, Cipsoft has been the sponsor of a wide variety of contests related to those of fan sites, (if you want to know those contests, you can consult them here). But my question is directed to Know ALL the contests made by Cipsoft that have been later implemented in the game without being those of fan sites. <strong>For example;</strong></p><ul><li>On <strong>2012,</strong> they made the contest <strong>"<a rel="nofollow" href=";threadid=3843492">A Rat is a Rat is a...?</a>"</strong>, when they wanted a creative name for the new Rat Race. I found this really FUN and interesting, all the names was really funies and the winner was of the new race to the game, where they work title was Rat Men. So they decided to make a Naming Contest where they want to implemented that now a day.</p><p>I did not know that Cipsoft did this type of Contest, so I want to know if Cipsoft held days we know them knows as <strong>"Corym's"</strong>. More info about this question in&nbsp;<strong><a rel="nofollow" href="">TibiaQA</a></strong></li><li>Or on <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=";id=2233">New</a>.</strong></p><p>On 2012 Cipsoft realized a contest when they decided introduce a href=";id=2413&amp;fbegind=1&amp;fbeginm=6&amp;fbeginy=2013&amp;fendd=15&amp;fendm=6&amp;fendy=2013&amp;flist=11111111">2013</a>,</strong> where you have to submit your idea of a storyteller NPC, "<strong><a rel="nofollow" href=";id=2388">Create your Own NPC!</a></strong>" More information about this contest in&nbsp;<strong><a rel="nofollow" href="">Tibia QA</a></strong></li><li>Or on<strong> 2017</strong> when you have to shared a small anecdote of your tibia I just found out this life on "<a rel="nofollow" href=";postid=37766430#post37766430"><strong>It's Time to Rhyme</strong></a>"&nbsp;<strong>Edgar-Ellen </strong>at the Nort of Thais can tell us the curious histories of some tibian players had so suggest a shared on this contest.</li></ul><p>So my question is <strong>There is more contests.</p>contests realized by Cipsoft apart of those already mentioned?</strong></p><p>Thanks in advance.</p>
Tags set to contest
Posted Nov 5, 2020 by Oriibsz

How many contest has been realized by Cipsoft for create Tibian Content?

Reading some information about tibia I just found out this New.

On 2012 Cipsoft realized a contest when they decided introduce a new race to the game, where they work title was Rat Men. So they decided to make a Naming Contest where players had so suggest a name for the new Rat Race. I found this really FUN and interesting, all the names was really funies and the winner was Corym as we know them now a day.

I did not know that Cipsoft did this type of Contest, so I want to know if Cipsoft held more contests.

Tags set to contests
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