Revisions for post #7708

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Current revisionEdited Dec 1, 2019 by Ellotris Guardian

How many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens items needed for the Festive outfit?

(Content unchanged)
Edited Nov 7, 2019 by lehula dohon

How many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens needed for the Festive outfit?

<p>Hello Dear Tibians!<br><br>Today I'm here to ask&nbsp;you two related questions:</p><ol><li>Knowing we need 03&nbsp;<img src="" alt="Porcelain Mask.gif">&nbsp;Porcelain Mask.gif" src="">&nbsp;Porcelain Mask and 50&nbsp;<img src="" alt="Colourful Feathers.gif">&nbsp;Colourful Feathers.gif" src="">&nbsp;Colourful Feathers to complete the addons 1 and 2 of Festive Outfit, how many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all of these items?&nbsp;</li><li>Is it possible to complete the outfit and both addons during one event without buying any item?</li></ol>
Edited Nov 7, 2019 by lehula dohon

How many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens needed for the Festive outfit?

Hello <p>Hello Dear Tibians!

Today Tibians!<br><br>Today I'm here to aks you How ask&nbsp;you two related questions:</p><ol><li>Knowing we need 03&nbsp;<img src="" alt="Porcelain Mask.gif">&nbsp;Porcelain Mask and 50&nbsp;<img src="" alt="Colourful Feathers.gif">&nbsp;Colourful Feathers to complete the addons 1 and 2 of Festive outfit? Is Outfit, how many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens needed for the of these items?&nbsp;</li><li>Is it possible to complete the outfit and both addons during one event without buying any item?item?</li></ol>
Posted Nov 7, 2019 by lehula dohon

How many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens needed for the Festive outfit?

Hello Dear Tibians!

Today I'm here to aks you How many times do I have to kill The First Dragon to collect all the itens needed for the Festive outfit? Is it possible to complete the outfit and both addons during one event without buying any item?
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