+1 vote
by (299 points)
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Where is the best spot to Power level a lvl 8 Druid with Mlvl 60. I will try to power lvl it to 100 asap :)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (287 points)
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My usual way:

8-15 - cyclops poh - boh+stealth ring+time ring for way and bunch of manas

15-30 stonerefiners - stealth rings + exori frigo

30-45/50 spike or if Youre tired of ppl You can go meriana gargoyle cave with gfb

45+/50+ issavi lamassu + sphinx - personally i prefer them instead of oramond :) easier for pray for dmg/exp and if You know resp it will be faster then Oramond
0 votes
by (332 points)

The usual solo road is the next:

Level 8-30: Mistrock (Cyclops) - No need for set, BoH for quicker clearing, tons of manas and enough stealth rings, watch them because you could die if don't replace the ring quick enough.

Level 30-45: Spikes (Kazordoon) or Gargolyes (Meluna Cave) with AVA/GFB/Thunder runes AoE Hunt

Level 45+: Oramond (SD/Mana Shield)

If you feel confident... Level 80+ Issavi (SD/Mana Shield)