+2 votes
by (1,274 points)
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Could someone tell me what kind of invasions and all the monsters I can find in Demona?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,116 points)
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Best answer

Hi, in Demona you can find:

Minotaur GuardsMinotaur Guard.gif, Stone GollemsStone Golem.gif, Dwarf GuardsDwarf Guard.gif, Elf ArcanistsElf Arcanist.gif, DragonsDragon.gif  by the entrance.

And into the main spawn you can find WarlocksWarlock.gif and InfernalistsInfernalist.gif.

Also there's a rare boss spawn over there with Zarabustor Zarabustor.gif which I guess it counts as invasion.

by (2,271 points)
You might need to repost the images
by (2,116 points)
i see them D:
by (5,523 points)
Fixed broken images.
by (2,116 points)
Thanks! <3