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by (6,736 points)
So let me explain: now I've got on my EXP prey for example - Sphinx. I want to reroll this one before it ends to not loose "exp prey" and... is it possible to get Sphinx once again?
by (5,730 points)
The only way I know is by using a 5 prey cards, if you got it just by reroll you are luckier

1 Answer

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by (2,865 points)
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For what I understand, you are using the prey on Sphinx and want to know if it's possible to roll again and get Sphinx?
If this is the case, I can tell it's possible, I had Draken Warmaster on my prey, got loot prey and didn't have any prey card left, so I rolled again and got Draken Warmaster. You need to be lucky to get the same creature you want, but it's possible.

PS: If i didn't understand correctly please let me know
by (6,736 points)
It's exactly what I wanted to know :) Thank you!