+4 votes
by (65 points)
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I've been checking bosses but I keep missing some of them and I was wondering if they can still spawn if the server save is in less than four hours (spawn time until they disappear?).


4 Answers

+2 votes
by (781 points)
Bosses that have a de-spawn time of 30 minutes to one hour can spawn well within four hours of server save. For example: Bosses such as Rukor Zad, Smuggler Baron Silver Toe and Yaga the Crone can all spawn 30 minutes before server save. Bosses like Pits of Inferno bosses can spawn four hours before server save, but not after.
0 votes
by (104 points)
Yes, they can spawn and be "wasted" since no one will realize they spawned

One of this cases happened with Gaz'haragoth in Vunira in his last apparition he spawned within few hours to the server save,

 but it can also happen most easily with any boss that has a random spawn time.
by (5,318 points)
Hello, Islearth!
I believe Reyaleman was inquiring about bosses without announced Raid message (that's why he was checking them)- like Tyrn. In case of the Raids- it is true they can happened even, however, those are not which he was asking for. Could you please provide some evidence for other bosses than Gaz which they appeared before SS?
by (6,736 points)
Proofs, proofs, proofs please! :(
0 votes
by (6,736 points)

With the introduction of Bosstiary, more and more people are checking out the bosses, and so some theories that were created earlier can be verified.

A colleague from the TibiaBosses.com crew recently spent quite a bit of time on the Tzumrah the Dazzler boss, checked it frequently and was sure that the boss reset itself after 8 CEST (less than 2 hours before ss).

I can't tell if reward chest bosses, for example, which may have a different system, will work this way. 

0 votes
by (101 points)
Yes, they can. Mainly with bosses that don't have the reward system. Our group has already encountered several bosses just before the SS, for example: Tzumrah the Dazzler, Rukor Zad, The Big Bad One, Grandfather Tridian, Arthom, Oodok, Battlemaster Zunzu.
by (49 points)
Have you or your team encountered any with reward system? Just before or close to SS