There are actually quite a few raids in cities, and some of them can prove fatal for low-level players. Walking through the streets of the cities, we can come across such raids as:
- Rats (Thais; first announcement: 00:00:00 Rat plague in Thais!)
- Badgers (Ab'Dendriel, an unannounced raid),
- Pirates (Liberty Bay, the first announcement: 00:00:00: Unknown ships were spotted south of Liberty Bay),
- Pirates (Liberty Bay, the first announcement: 00:00:00: Pirates launch surprise attack on Liberty Bay! Use caution, they seem to be everywhere),
- Quara (Liberty Bay, the first announcement: 00:00:00: Something is moving in the deep sea around Liberty Bay),
- Feverish Citizens (Venore, unannounced raid),
- Vampires (Yalahar, first announcement: 00:00:00: Yalahar citizens, beware! Harbingers of the vampiric thirst for blood are appearing in the city. Fight them or take the chance to escape while you still can),
- Grynch Clan Goblins (various cities during the Christmas season, the first announcement: 00:00:00 Goblins of the infamous Grynch Clan are invading city to steal all presents, beware!).
Whether a particular raid is dangerous for us is an individual matter, but sorting these raids in terms of the density of the strongest monsters, the most dangerous in my opinion are:
▶ both raids of Pirates (Liberty Bay),
▶ raid of Quara (Liberty Bay),
▶ raid of Vampires (Yalahar).