+2 votes
by (1,516 points)
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Most fansites have an item that represents the theme of the site, for example "TibiaQA" is represented by the "Omniscient Owl."
Why doesn't this fansite have a fansite item?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (2,426 points)
It's up to the fansite admin to start the process of creating the fansite item. This is usually, but not necessarily, a contest. It's not mandatory though and the fansite may wish not to have an item at all. TibiaMaps, for example, only created its item in 2021 even though it was in the program since 2016.

I can't tell specifically about the reasons behind TibiaFanart's decision, but it could be just that they are waiting to start the process. Considering the fansite theme, however, I assume they'll eventually get their item and put a lot of effort into it, however they decide to proceed.
+4 votes
by (6,731 points)
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Best answer
Oh, I didn't notice this question before, and would love, as an admin of this site, to add something from myself! :D

Nowadays, having a fansite item is so popular that most of the fansites joining the program already have very specific dreams around this symbolic item for them. However, I, as the admin of TibiaBosses.com, have been in the program since 2016, and back then the approach was different. TibiaBosses.com fansite item (Crunor's Heart) received after 2 years of being in the program. At first, we were focused on creating content and did not think too much about such additional things. It was the same with TibiaFanart.com. Since I had been preparing most of the content by myself for 1.5 years, I just focused on that and decided that the fansite item can wait. I preferred to have a good idea and create a quality sprite rather than rush it.