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by (9 points)
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Fiendish monsters have a time to respawn a same place?
 How many fiendish monsters spanws for each cities?
by (1,492 points)
I would suggest reworking the question but the answer is how the fiendish mechanism works:

Everyday spawns different mobs influenced with "evilness" these mobs are slightly stronger based on their tier (i think 10% per tier) capped on t5, there can be up to 3 fiendish at same time and once one dies there is a slight cooldown until a new one appears, i will guess 5-8 minutes, to a new fiendish to appear it would turn an influenced mob into a fiendish one, with this said ANY mob that could be influenced can be fiendish, even those who formerly don't have any body (insect swarm) they will become lootable due fiendish influence, mobs that can't become influenced (like neutral foe) neither can become fiendish.

Finally is worth mentioning that these influenced creatures spawn randomly in all tibia so there's no way to know when a influenced mob would spawn in a determinated place neither that such influenced mob would become fiendish or when, but the most populated zones with several layouts of mobs are more easier to spawn a fiendish than average (example east from edron, drefia, oramond, razzachai).

Im adding it as a comment atm.
by (9 points)
Im killed more than 5oo fiendish monsters some days repite same creature a same place like between 3 o 8 hours after killed or 6 o 15 days
by (1,492 points)
well im almost sure i have killed waaaaay more than 500 and i can swear they can appear almost anywhere, i won't dismiss what you said, but from my own experience there's almost no constant, i have killed the same falcon paladin thrice as fiendish and i have killed different falcon all over falcon bastion, of course i got some repeated, aswell i got some that i have never went before, an easy way to know this is demona, such a HUGE place can have repeated a wasp which will lead to a designed path, or could be a goblin 3 sqm far, behind a wall, with literally a totally different path.

so yeah i think u got rng rather than actually a pattern, but who knows.
by (9 points)
im know, but im try to find some patron, I would appreciate your help.
by (1,492 points)
U could rework it to "easy to check places that turn easier a fiendish hunt" and talk about places like shrine portals, forgotten knowledge portals, barkless cave, etc, there are "key places" where u can say for sure or almost surely that a mob belong to a hunting places rather than all others.

In the other hand u could ask for the places with more chances to spawn a fiendish, talking about mob density around tibia or so.

but talking strictly about a pattern is really hard, because what determinate if a mob is influenced or not seems to be rng, a proof of that are unreachable fiendish, doesn't make sense that specific fiendish could appear in specific places when there are mobs that are simply unreachable no matter what and cipsoft says there's not too much they can do because of how the system work
by (5,708 points)
I tried to improve your question since it got a long answer. I was almost closing it. Please, improve the text of your question.

1 Answer

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by (9 points)
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Im know some fiendish creature places and im killed same creature a same day 2 times on same spot








Gray Island




Liberty bay

Port Hope


Issavi Soul War



upload more pics cd 1H

Fiendish CreFiendish Creatures places???atures places???
