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by (249 points)
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So, even the normal Bakragore is the most complex challenge we ever saw in tibia so far, as the only way to get a "Crimson" version of the weapons, I want to know if anyone has conquered the Bakragore with all taint and sacrificed essences (that change the elder blood jaws for echo's of the corresponding boss), now or on test server.

I've seen teams of level 2000+ struggling to make the "normal version", the boosted version with the taints and essences seems like an impossible challenge.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (91 points)
The fight against Bakragore with 05 Taint + 04 Essences seems to be something for the future. If you don't have a way to heal more effectively or damage resistance in items with greater loads or time (like Stone Stoken Skin and Might Ring) I doubt that any team will be able to complete this in at least 01 year.

And how to take an average of 500 mana per turn per potion taking 3000 damage per turn. While there's no way to avoid most damage more efficiently than the five charges of SSA this seems to be totally out of reach at the moment. And Bakragore releases the Grand Weapons with the 05 Taint without the need to use the Essences, this is even more out of the question since it is not worth the risk to increase loot but not survive with luck getting scrolls that generate points for Wheel of Destiny.
by (249 points)
I did appreciate your comment, but this isn't quite the answer i was looking for... i wonder if there is any strategies for it, like using foods and stuff... want to know if anyone came close to complete it on test server, and if so, how they were doing it... I want to know the best atempt to clear this challenge... did anyone even tryed?
by (91 points)
Yes they did and it was a complete disaster trying to make the boss with 05 Taint + 04 Essences. As I said before it all comes down to whether you can heal fast enough or avoid room damage. Let's assume the whole team is level 2000+ and it would be common for them to have more than 20k health and so they won't die right away in the room but dealing huge amounts of extra damage (because of Essences) seems to be impossible with the current game scenario. The protection items have too little charges or depending on the damage they take, they don't have adequate protection (if it's Life Drain for example).

I'm not saying this is the secret here but I'm going to assume that if there is an "automatic" way to report Stone Skin Amulet and Might Ring for players to have to turn their attention only to the mechanic, then there could be a greater possibility of this working, although in my opinion another problem is the very limited healing portions. We have challenges in the game that generate damage by % which are huge numbers compared to the game's healing system + healing spells.