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I came back to the game after a couple of years, my main is a MS 223 and I also have an ED 206.

I love to do quests, but I have no idea how to prioritize them. Assuming I have the time, the team and the money ready to embark in adventures, which ones should I prioritize?

EXAMPLES (Lvl 200 + Please feel free to point out other useful quests):

-Forgotten Knowledge, The Secret Library, The Dream Courts, Grave Danger, A Pirate's Tail, Ferumbras' Ascension, Hearth of Destruction, The Order of the Lion, Dangerous Depths, Kilmaresh, Oramond and Roshamuul Quests, ETC.

I just need let's say a top 3 or top 5 to focus on. Thanks in advance and happy holidays!

closed as a duplicate of: What are the must-have quests for a lvl 200-?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.
May I suggest what is your GOAL? What is your priority? Profit? Specific items? Adventure? Achievements? it will be easier for everyone to answer :)
by (15 points)
Well I want to do all those quests, I would like to be able to imbue my own items, farm bosses for gold tokens, be able to access all restricted zones, etc.

Maybe one quest gives you a rare item, but another one allows you to hunt in a great respawn that in the long run translates in to even more profit. That's where I get confused, maybe I could put off the cosmetic rewards in favor of more useful ones.