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I’m a 400+ pally and I’m not sure what equipment to upgrade next.

Falcon greaves, falcon coif or gnome armor?
by (17,396 points)
So you want suggestions between one of those 3 items, or what equipment should you get entirely as a level 400 paladin?
by (45 points)
In my experience a Coif goes a long way, since you can imbue it with ML boost. There are quite a few armors that you can use that will offer almost the same as gnome armor stats wise.

Hope that helps.

1 Answer

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ItemFalcon Coif Gnome Armor Falcon Greaves 
(Arm:10, distance fighting +2, shielding +2, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.

(Arm:17, distance fighting +3, protection energy +8%, physical +4%, ice -2%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 200 or higher.

(Arm:10, distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3, protection physical +7%, ice +7%).

It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.

Imbuements 2 slots 2 slots non

As you did not mention what set you have so far I will base on following :

ItemLion Spangenhelm Ghost Chestplate Fabulous Legs 
Description (Arm:7, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%, earth +5%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

(Arm:17, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 230 or higher.

(Arm:9, distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2, protection physical +4%, fire +2%).

It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 225 or higher.

Imbuments 2 Slots  2 SlotsNon

Firstly- the best in slot items for paladin are Falcon Coif & Falcon Greaves. Gnome Armor is second after Soulshell. - Winners Coif & Greaves.

Secondly, After last Update where Damage input analyser has been introduced, it has been confirmed that physical damage significantly higher then previously expected or thought. Since Paladin is mostly used as a “Knight” you need good defensive equipment. Falcon Greaves are the winner. Second I would give to Coif due to not have any minus on elemental damage.

Third. The difference between previous equipment. The most significant is Falcon Greaves where you got extra Arm +1, extra physical protection +3%, and extra distance skill +1. Second is Coif with +3 Arm and then Gnome Armor giving extra +1 Distance Skill and +1% physical skill.

I would actually go with Falcon Greaves, after analysing the prices... :)

Ignored most of the elemental protections on equipment due to not knowing what we hunting most :)
