+2 votes
by (157 points)
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Let's say a character with 90 Tibiadrome points and top 3 on rank is sold in the bazaar, will his history be reset or will he continue with 90 points and top 3 with the new owner?
by (5,523 points)
I imagine they would keep their rank. No reason for it to be reset. Guess we'll have to wait for someone to confirm though that purchases a character.
by (1,669 points)
90 drome points is not a good score. I believe you mean Drome *level* 90 which yields 900 points.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Best answer

Since it is not Account-Bond aspect, it will not be rest. However, please note below from  

 Tibia Manual- reached drome level and starting level will also be kept if a character is traded; however, for the time the auction is running and the trade is not completed, the character will be removed from the leaderboard; if a rotation ends before the character is back on the leaderboard, the character will not receive any points or prizes for this rotation


What will be traded?

Only characters will be traded, not accounts. Characters are entities inside an account, which share no information with the account and thus can be separated from it. Conversely, accounts act as containers, with the characters stored inside of them.

Account-bound aspects cannot be transferred and include: loyalty, registration data, e-mail address, Tibia Coins, Tournament Coins, recovery key, password, authenticator, rule violation record, Premium time, account-wide outfits, account-wide mounts and Tournament tickets, if not yet assigned to a character.

Character specific things include: creation date, character name, XP, skill levels, gold (in bank, depot, and inventory), normal items (in depot, stash, inbox, and inventory), Store items (in inventory and Store inbox), hirelings, hireling jobs, hireling outfits, normal mounts, Store mounts, normal outfits, Store outfits, blessings, imbuements, charms, charm points (available and spent), charm expansion, daily reward streak, hunting task points, permanent huntings task slots, permanent prey slots, completed cyclopedia map areas, completed quest lines, titles, achievements, achievement points, and bestiary progress.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=latestnews&id=5692#faq11

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