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by (5,791 points)


I would like to know which would be all of the different possible orientations that the spell would reveal to the player casting "Find Fiend".

Inserting the possible monsters classes the the spell may reveal is also interesting for the answer.

1 Answer

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by (1,669 points)
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The first part of the Find Fiend spell message is very similar to Find Person's message. However, it starts with "The monster" where Find Person mentions the character name the spell was cast on.

Find Fiend's Message - First Part
0–4 map fieldsThe monster is standing next to you.
0–4 map fields & on a different floorThe monster is above/below you.
5–100 map fieldsThe monster is to the [direction].
5–100 map fields & on a different floorThe monster is on a higher/lower level to the [direction].
101–250 map fieldsThe monster is far to the [direction].
≥251 map fieldsThe monster is very far to the [direction].

Distance thresholds were determined by a research conducted by Mathias Bynens and published on TibiaMaps' Blog.

Where [direction] is one of the following: north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west, or north-west.

The second part of the message consists of the creature's difficulty:

Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "[difficulty]".

Where [difficulty] is Unknown if the creature's bestiary entry was not completed yet, otherwise it will be the creature's difficulty: Harmless, Trivial, Easy, Medium, Hard, or Challenging.

If 45 minutes or more have passed since the creature became fiendish, the message will have a third part which will mention how much time left for the fiendish creature to become an ordinary creature again:

This monster will stay fiendish for less than X minutes.

Where X is the amount of minutes (from 1 to 15).


The monster is to the east. Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "Easy".

The monster is below you. Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "Medium".

The monster is on a lower level to the north-east. Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "Unknown".

The monster is far to the north. Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "Unknown".

The monster is very far to the north. Be prepared to find a creature of difficulty level "Unknown". This monster will stay fiendish for less than 15 minutes.

When there is no fiedish creature around, the displayed message is:

At the moment there is no fiend with special loot roaming this world.
