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by (235 points)
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Choosing as starting point the middle of the continent (like around Kazordoon or Jakundaf Desert), what place is the farthest (considering time spent to reach it)?
by (328 points)
It would be more interesting to know the hunting place (or quest) that is farthest to the nearest depot (which place takes the most time to go and come back to refill). Considering the distance to the main continent center makes this question not so interesting.
by (328 points)
This question should be answered with two types: farthest place with shortcuts and farthest place without shortcuts. For example, Dragon Lords in Beregar (the one where you can kill the Pythius the Rotten) has a very long path to reach, but there is a shortcut (using a newly discovered wagon in Kazordoon) that makes the route shorter. A place that is far and without shortcuts: Demona (where you need to cross the Maze of Lost Souls).
by (1,533 points)
hard to say, w/o shortcuts last room of inqui, razzachai, and last room of good guard mission (beregar quest) are really close, taking into account shortcuts demona/hellgate/deep below chillfroest island

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (34 points)
Demona and Seacrest Serpent area.

As it would like a level 800 up to 10 mins just for walking in MoLS.
by (17,404 points)
I reach the seacrest grounds no problem, you just mean walking from one end to the other of seacrest grounds right?