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by (235 points)
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What is the longest way anyone can walk without changing floor level?

I was thinking about the farthest any creature could be lured in the old mechanics, and then I came to this question. How far can anyone walk without going up or down (changing floor level)?

Or in another way: what is the biggest piece of land crossable without changing floor level?
by (17,404 points)
So for example, your asking what is the largest map someone can walk in without going up or down a level just straight walking? like traveling from venore to carlin for example?
by (235 points)
Exactly! But from Venore to Carlin there's Dwarven Bridge, isn't it? Or is there a way without going up/down? I'm talking about a way without any change of floor level.
by (17,404 points)
yes, you're right :)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (58 points)
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Best answer

Quite an interesting question actually. It got me thinking so I analysed the whole map and in my opinion below is the longest 'straight' line path that can be covered without changing levels:
