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Which building, which is accessible, is the tallest in Tibia and where is it placed?
by (1,412 points)
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Considering that to measure the height of something in real life you have to measure it from the land line. There are several buildings that are 7 floors high which is the maximum high in tibia like the ones already mentioned in the other answers. Maybe you are looking for the building with most quantities of floor would have to be one with a maximum of 16 floors

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (746 points)
Best answer

The map of Tibia has the ground floor and another 7 floors upwards. I found 3 accessible buildings that occupy these 8 floors:

Carlin's Castle

The Outlook Tower in Thais

Issavi's Carpet Service

by (1,557 points)
Some of them has floors underground?
by (746 points)
Carlin's Castle has 2 floors underground, but is a small room, and the floor and walls are not equal the castle.
+2 votes
by (1,181 points)
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hmm the tallest one that come in my mind is this one:

08:10 You see a sign.

You read: Outlook Tower

It is located in Thais and I remember a quest( not sure which one ) that ask you to go to the higher place in Thais and was there probably that why I thought about it, checking in "map" on cyclopedia you can see the tower goes to the last level thing
+2 votes
by (1,412 points)
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IF what you are actually looking for is the building with most floor that would have to be the magician tower in Edron which goes from -3 to +7 Source:https://tibiamaps.io/map#33266,31837,10:1 (at least that's the one with most floors I could find). If you are looking for the highest one there are several with that record since high is usually consider above ground and there are several buildings that are +7 floors also that only applies to buildings I believe the are formations like caves or mountains that can go more that than, not many but at least one I can think.