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by (1,850 points)
Hello I would love to see best configuration of charms while hunting Otherworld as Rp 500-700 level, and if "Parry" is worth using there while taking overpulls? Also what teleport and way is best to make profit and exp most efficiency?
by (1,533 points)
were a nice gesture to separate the "charm setup" from "hunting path" imo, anyway about charms:

Reality reaver -- Poison/Low Blow (both are good)
Dread intruder -- Divine Wrath if not, wound/poison
Breach Brood -- Wound/Curse are okay charms for this mob
Sparkion -- Poison/Low Blow (use what is missing from the other, both are okay on him but i think low blow is better), this is also the only mob in all otherworld which u could use parry on, because it only has 1 energy damage and does a lot more of life drain /average physical damage.

about set after investigating a bit about it, maybe a necklace of the deep were better than an offensive necklace and void boots are way better than any other boots but soulwalkers, finally ring of souls is the perfect ring for that place and bone fiddle, if you feel comfy could remove necklace of the deep and use pendulet/blue plasma for extra damage.

im unsure about what path to take but i know that the most populated tp is  easily svargrond one with several floors to jump and get surrounded easily.

so i would leave this as comment for a while.

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