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My paladin is getting level 150 pretty soon and I'd like to know where to hunt with the new diamond arrows I'll be able to conjure and use. I've never hunted with the new arrows before, so I don't want the hunting spots to be too hardcore. It would be nice if I got used and learned how to use them first. Should I take some runes to be used along with the arrows? Just to mention, it's all about solo hunting. Money is no object. Thanks in advance for all the replies.

4 Answers

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Best answer
With your lvl hunting with mass arrows is only possible on  Chosens. All spots north castle in Zao. Use ava or gfb with arrows and mas sans.

With single target bolts like spectrals banuta or goroma medusas. Both spots are profitable and nice exp. You can make duo with ms/ed. Exp will be the same but cash is lower.
+1 vote
Anywhere you can pull decent mobs i.e Lizard Chosens, Dragon Lords, Were-creatures in Edron, etc. However, you're about the perfect level to start hunting Grim Reapers. Yalahar Grim Reapers are excellent experience.
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Baby Rosh on Feyrist with diamonds arrows is good options for you, nice exp and better loot, but you have to be carreful.
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by (160 points)
A place they haven't mentioned yet, in which you can get 900k/h on green and 100k profit, is werebeast south of Edron, where the werebosses are, is a fairly large space, where you can kill with diamonds / gfb - mas san, but beware of the werebear who are the most dangerous and keep werefoxes in check that their damage accumulates quickly.