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by (4,311 points)
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Hello dear Tibian!

Boosted creatures give double XP/loot and spawn twice faster, but how the prey system works on these creatures?

 A prey of +40% of XP works on the normal XP amount or at the double?

For example: Dawnfire Asura.gif Dawnfire Asura gives 4100 pints of experience, as today she is the boosted creature she will yeld 8200 points of experience. If I use a prey of XP 10 stars which give +40% of XP,  which of the following conditions is correct:

8200 + (4100x0,40) = 9840 points of experience

8200 + (8200x0,4) = 11480 points of experience

What about prey of loot?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,021 points)
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Best answer

The Prey Loot and the Boosted Creature works similar, both increase the chance (percentage) of get loot.

By example: Dawnfire Asura drop the Oriental Shoes, this have 1% of chance (Example), with the Boosted Creature (100% more) you gonna have 2% of chance.

With the Prey Loot (40% more) you gonna have 1.4% of chance.

0 votes
by (5,318 points)

As per Burchan's reply on the forum:

> Can you provide us with any stats concerning the
> increased value of the daily monster? For the
> experience, will it be +% or x1.1/1.2/..., and how
> will this work out with prey on that respective
> creature?

Double XP, double loot and a two times faster respawn rate are applied to the boosted creature.
Additional bonuses such as prey or other events like rapid respawn, double XP/skill weekends will be applied on top of that.1

1. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=38496131#post38496131

by (396 points)
This makes a boosted creature with a 40% loot prey move up to a x2.4 multiplier, correct?
+1 for boosted creature and +0.4 for the prey on top, not a x2.8 as is the behaviour of green stamina (increasing all exp at the end by a multiplier, for example from an experience boost to 75% instead of 50%)
by (5,318 points)
if you look at Hunter explaining in here (https://www.tibiaqa.com/25907/how-does-the-wealth-duplex-potion-work-with-extra-loot-bonuses -check Xarkost link, the wording it vital)  it will be working as this
100% loot set (base)+ 100%x loot set (double loot) + 40%x loot set(prey) + 20% of creatures products only set( gut charm)
It is not really multiplying, it is having chances to loot extra sets of the loot.