+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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I know we can avoid losing all blessings on PVP servers by making skull. In that way, we will lose only Twist of Fate. But is it possible to make one in the arenas, either PVP or Tibiadrome?

If we die on that arena we won't lose anything that is why it would be a good way to make this ring.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (17,404 points)
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No, it's not possible to make a Ring of Ending in any arena, Tibiadrome or PvP. I personally tested this out in both arenas.

Here are the exact words it tells me (Btw I got kicked out of the arena before the ring process was over, and it still didn't allow me to go through the full ring making process)

  1. The smooth string of mending coils around your whole arm as if it was to devour it.
  2. The ring feels quite heavy now. Nothing else happens.
  3. The ring feels even heavier. You feel slightly stronger, however.
  4. You feel better, more energetic than ever before. The ring seems to wrap itself tighter around your finger.
  5. The ring now cuts your flesh. However, you feel fast as lightning and strong as a dragon, fires seem to burn within you.
  6. You feel as if you could touch the stars and see beyond even the dimmest of them. The ring hurts you now.
  7. The ring now seems to be as hot as fire while at the same time cold as ice. Put it off or it will seriously hurt you.
  8. Pain is no word for what you feel anymore. If you do not put the ring off it MAY kill you. Chances are 50/50.
  9. Your pain transports you in a different world, you are alone there. Filled with anguish. You may live or it MAY KILL YOU.
  10. You became pain itself. You are mere seconds away from death. If you do not PUT OFF THE RING. You MAY actually DIE.
  11. You are not ready for this if you are not ready to sacrifice.
0 votes
by (4,336 points)
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Best answer

As I know it was possible to create ring of ending on arena, but it has been fixed and no longer works.


