Here is my little theory/ or rather allusion for the ring of ending, and so called Prime Artifacts that Galthen was chasing.
i think this allusion could be possible, due to Inception is 2010 and ring of ending is 2013, and prime artifacts books where shaped around 2021. The ring is out of weight, and spins, just really mimicing the spinner in movie. And the first scene inside movie is about the carpet, where the guy realizes its not his, so the dream creator made mistake in preparing the dream for him. In tibia we have similar approach, where we have some contruct first, the real thing, and then the carpet filled. Despite that the whole movie is about dreaming and confusion around timelines, altering past/future etc, similar to what happens in the timelines of bounac during the cobra amulet curse, and the breaking of the amulet

the 2013 roshamul update teaser Am i trapped inside a dream
I dedicated my life's work to finding and neutralising these artifacts which I call "prime artefacts".,
is what Galthen dedicated his life for, in movie, totems where used as personal objects, that noone should ever know about it properties, and they should always carry it with them, since only then one could tell and test if they would be dreaming. If dream creator guessed and found out someone else totem, means, they will be trapped forever in the dream, unable to escape.
hence why i tried to question the Lionet in kinda tricky way about this theory in the interview question:
but his answer was rather normal

in movie, this explains how big of a deal totems were, essentialy totem had power of life and death (absolute power over life and death)