+3 votes
by (200 points)
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You see a ring of ending.

It can only be wielded properly by players of level 200 or higher.

It weighs 0.00 oz.

This constantly rotating ring is perfectly weightless, yet feels infinitely heavy at the same time. You read: This eternal ring was forged in the pain of (player name) and hardened by (his/her) endurance.

what does ring of ending do? anyone knows it hidden secrets? 

Does the ring disapear when using it on the cloth nowadays?
by (1,205 points)
Are you referring to the cloth fragment? I've never heard of it disappearing before when used on the cloth. Was this something that use to happen?

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (355 points)

Quick update

Besides all the mistery around it and the theories already explained. In the summer 2021 (version 12.70) Folded Artefact Carpet V was introduced to the game. The ring is a Prime Artefact and can be used to color a Cloth Fragment.

+2 votes
by (254 points)

Here is my little theory/ or rather allusion for the ring of ending, and so called Prime Artifacts that Galthen was chasing.


i think this allusion could be possible, due to Inception is 2010 and ring of ending is 2013, and prime artifacts books where shaped around 2021. The ring is out of weight, and spins, just really mimicing the spinner in movie. And the first scene inside movie is about the carpet, where the guy realizes its not his, so the dream creator made mistake in preparing the dream for him. In tibia we have similar approach, where we have some contruct first, the real thing, and then the carpet filled. Despite that the whole movie is about dreaming and confusion around timelines, altering past/future etc, similar to what happens in the timelines of bounac during the cobra amulet curse, and the breaking of the amulet

the 2013 roshamul update teaser Am i trapped inside a dream 

I dedicated my life's work to finding and neutralising these artifacts which I call "prime artefacts".,

is what Galthen dedicated his life for, in movie, totems where used as personal objects, that noone should ever know about it properties, and they should always carry it with them, since only then one could tell and test if they would be dreaming. If dream creator guessed and found out someone else totem, means, they will be trapped forever in the dream, unable to escape.

hence why i tried to question the Lionet in kinda tricky way about this theory in the interview question:
but his answer was rather normal

in movie, this explains how big of a deal totems were, essentialy totem had power of life and death (absolute power over life and death)

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Ring of ending is one of the many unsolved mysteries of Tibia. Currently, it only gives: a decoration element signed with your name, rotates and gives red light as well as a 50% chance of dying full bless when you create it.  It was added in version 10.30, but we still don't know if it has any meaning. In my opinion, but also for many players the ring is certainly useful. I'm almost sure it has something to do with protection of death.

Players have come up with many theories, but they aren't fully proven so they aren't real information.

example theories:

  • helpful with NPC conversation on Banuta lvl 999 (source https://tibiopedia.pl/items/Ring_Of_Ending)
  • "I was very interested in this ring can be on the key element of killing containing boss:)" (source https://tibiopedia.pl/items/Ring_Of_Ending)
  • "maybe the established ring protects against lethal eu released by Gaz'haragoth?" (source https://tibiopedia.pl/items/Ring_Of_Ending)
  • "We don't know exactly when the first time a person might have mentioned shodringers island on tibia forums was but we do know it was mentioned in the article about kharsek in 2016 from tibiamaps. But the island did exist before this and the same set of circumstances leading to the article that inspired the term could have inspired someone else to use the term after 2009 and before the roshamuul update in 2014 . It is still within the realm of logical plausibility. cipsoft likely follows discussions involving the 999 door and that island as both are tibia myth/legend. The lore behind sight of surrender and yeilothax existed between 2009 and 2016. The ring of ending came into existence in tibia with the addition of those creature. This leads me to believe that inspiration for the ring of mending happened between 2009 and 2014. The same time frame people would be discussing the island disappearing and reappearing." (source reddit Ring of ending and 999lvl)
  • helpful to kill Prince Drazzak on Roshamuul (source https://tibiopedia.pl/forum/t/12655,Jak-wykorzystac-RING-OF-ENDING,1)
  • "Ring of Ending + Mysterious Metal EggI wonder that some " power" hidden inside the Mysterious Metal Egg , is what is needed to make a Full Ring of Ending . And also the price and the consequences of doing one, it could well be some kind of very high protection and lose less experience and skills when dying to creatures. Anyway I hope more leave any clues about these respective quests in Winter Update." (source:http://tibiacommunity.com/ring-of-ending-worth-or-not)

this article is interesting. maybe he doesn't solve the puzzle, but he leads a good clue to solve it: cacadores-de-enigmas-ring-of-ending

by (5,791 points)
Dear users, some comments are now hidden after a decision took by our staff. Please, make sure to avoid such belligerent discussions in our website. I must point out that the answer flagged wasn't spam at all.
+1 vote
by (1,850 points)

what does ring of ending do?

For sure we know it have nice red light and that it rotates around.


Also Ring is telling us "Pain is no word for what you feel anymore. If you do not put the ring off it MAY kill you. Chances are 50/50."

We need very rare item from Sight of Surrender Sight of Surrender, String of MendingString of Mending and Broken Ring of EndingBroken ring of Ending from Yielothax Yielothax.

I did ring in first try, but I have friend which already used 3 Strings and died triple times. :D

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)

@ At the moment , there isn't any benefit or use for this ring more than it provides red light, in my opinion this ring form part of those items that will be use in next updates, like happens with the  Chayenne's Magical Key.
