–2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Hello as many of us know Tibia is one of first mmo rpg games therefore ppl make so many jokes about it. One of many jokes I remember is:

Does Tibia have sky or something that can prove it?
by (1,850 points)
Can someone just write what is wrong with the question and not only devoted it? lel
by (17,404 points)
Hey, I didn't down vote your question but when I receive down votes it's because people don't like the question or rather find it useful. It's also an opinionated question so a lot of people don't like when it's just share your opinion but no facts behind it. This is my opinion, I don't want to leave you hanging without a response because I've been in these situations one too many times where people just instantly down vote me and don't clarify what I could do better. I learn from experience.  If you can find a way to reword your question or maybe if you don't think it's a good question you can just hide your question and the down votes will disappear eventually.
by (2,564 points)
For starters, your only context behind the question is that you "heard jokes about the sky". You could as well ask if Tibia has a sun (or suns), moon(s), stars, other planets, UFO, Flying Spaghetti Monster etc. etc. Even if we receive an answer, it's difficult to find it valuable information. If you added more context on why answering this particular question (about the sky) brings value, that would help.

It was also poorly tagged and had a major grammar problem in the title but I already fixed that.
by (17,404 points)
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With that being said, maybe take Aneg's answer and turn it into the base of your question. "Can you see the Sky in Tibia Clouds & Indoor Effect? "What is the Tibia Clouds & Indoor Effect" something along those lines just make sure there's no other question out there about this first. But from my research, I don't see this option mentioned on the site yet but doesn't hurt to double check and make the question your own.
by (1,850 points)
Well I didn’t even know about that effects in options cuz since 8 years of playing this game I didn’t use light effects so I couldn’t make question:
"What is the Tibia Clouds & Indoor Effect"
Also I asked about this devote cuz All down votes I get are empty. Someone is arguing with me and when i reply to him he ignore that or forgot about it and I can’t even defend myself. Also when u wants proof cuz someone’s experience is not enough how u can judge that by wikia which can be edited by almost everyone.  
Alsoooo I don’t understand people which answer on question and probably don’t give there vote up or Asking one’s which don’t give best answer where it give u additional 2pts by doin this favor. Ppl are so greedy. >.<
Hmm you said “people don’t like your question” imo it’s kinda stupid I might devote all questions which I don’t like cuz I might get them by one sentence in google but as u can see I give 0 of them, cuz I don’t want be fagget which destroys someone’s dream about owl XD
Also thanks to some people which were Saving that question by voting up cuz without you it would have -4 by stupid reason XD
by (17,404 points)
Not to make it a discussion but your not alone. I try to make it a positive atmosphere and I can see where your coming from. It can be discouraging but what you can do is collect your thoughts and make sure you can keep participating. What I learned is to be open for suggestions! :)
by (4,451 points)
I gave you up just now. In my opinion it's a very interesting question even if your grama was wrong(like mine :D). Just rewrite your question a little and everything should be okay

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

You can't see clouds in Tibia but you can see clouds' shadows on the floor :). I tested it and below you can see a youtube videos from Svargrond and Liberty. 

Also this are my settings which allow me to see this shapes.

Video #1 - LINK

Video #2 - LINK

As you can see on the floor - how moving some kind of clouds shapes. In my opinion this are the shadows of the clouds. 
