+3 votes
by (6,714 points)

As we know after using Wooden Whistle it breaks and somewhere around us appears Wolf. But is it happen just after first use? Or we can use it few times before it breaks?

Does anyone know statistics about it or have any experience?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (2,261 points)
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Best answer

70% chance it will show red notes and disappear. 30% chance it will show yellow notes  and you can use it again.

Source: Wooden Whistle on Tibia Wiki + confirmation from Hunter of Dragoes

by (1,136 points)
Downvoted. There is no stat page on wiki, anyone could just put these numbers there.
Please try to find something more reliable or perhaps opinion of someone who tested it on test server.
by (2,261 points)
edited by
More reliable than the wiki page on an item implemented in 2006?  I honestly don't know of a more reliable source. There was not a lot of info around about it and I took the information there as best possible available. Hopefully someone can do a better job than I have

I appreciate you telling me why you downvoted my answer. Thank you.
by (2,261 points)
I actually read that page when I was looking into it. +1 to you for asking the follow up question there. Be great if you can get a more definitive answer there
by (1,136 points)
Hunter of Dragoes confirmed that 70/30% chances are correct, as Cipsoft was the source of this info.
Please accept my apologies - changing downvote to upvote.
by (2,261 points)
@William - Well done on getting the information right from the source of the original poster. That's above and beyond. Well done and +1