+1 vote
by (850 points)
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I am always fascinated by the different death recordings a player can get. I actually still have the death by stuffed dragon question unanswered here as well (for those interested):


But to the point, I was wondering if anything unique is recorded on a player's death log if they are unsuccessful when trying to create the Ring of Ending and perish in the process.

Is anyone able to confirm this for me? 

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,404 points)
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Best answer

If you die by trying to create a Ring of Ending in your death log it will say that you killed yourself! It will say, Died at (level) by (player). If you look at the body it will say "You see (player). He was killed by (player)"

by (850 points)
Sorry for my delay in upvoting/selecting as best answer.

Thank you for answering this question for me!